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Teeth Whitening FAQs

How long does the teeth whitening process take from start to finish?


The in-office teeth whitening treatment process takes a minimum of about a half-hour from start to finish to do a single treatment, and about 50 minutes total time to do a double teeth whitening session.


What will I experience during this procedure?


You may feel a slight tingling, or bubbling against your teeth for the first few minutes. This is normal and is the sign that the gel is producing the oxygen that does the work of bleaching.


How long will my teeth stay white?


One year is possible but will it depends greatly on your lifestyle and habits. If you drink a lot of coffee, tea, dark soda, or red wine, or especially if you smoke, the results will not last as long. Once you've reached your desired results, we recommend returning for an express teeth whitening session to maintain when you start noticing discoloration.


Is the procedure safe?


Yes. Extensive clinical research and trials have shown that cosmetic teeth whitening is safe. Many dentists and dental researchers consider this process to be the safest dental or cosmetic procedure available. It is recommended that no one under the age of 18 years, nor any women that are pregnant or breastfeeding, have this procedure done.


Which starting teeth shades respond best to teeth whitening?


In general, if your teeth are stained yellow it will be easier to whiten them. Gray teeth are harder to whiten and don’t respond as well as yellow-stained teeth.


What kind of results can I expect from the process?


Everyone’s teeth are different, thus, results will vary. That being said, most people will experience a difference of 2-4 shades whiter with a 30-minute treatment, and 5-8 shades difference with a double treatment session.


Is Teeth Whitening painful?


No. During the procedure, clients can listen to music or fall asleep.

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